Purchasing this package will give you the Air Forces Artifact in game! (This package also comes within the Turbo Piggy bundle)
Purchases of this cosmetic goes towards the creator!
Purchasing this package will give you the Piggy Aura Artifact in game! (This package also comes within the Turbo Piggy bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you the Piggy Costume in game! (This package also comes within the Turbo Piggy bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you the Tubs Crown Artifact in game! (This package also comes within the Lil Tub Bubble bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you the Tub's Dragon Dave Artifact in game! (This package also comes within the Lil Tub Bubble bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you Tubs Cape in game! (This package also comes within the Lil Tub Bubble bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you the Gengar Headband in game! (This package also comes within the whyumad bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you the Gengar Cape in game! (This package also comes within the whyumad bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you the GM19s Disguise Artifact in game! (This package also comes within the GM19 bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you GM19's Cape in game! (This package also comes within the GM19 bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you the WORST Player Headband Artifact in game! (This package also comes within the GM19 bundle)
Purchasing this package will give you the Lunar Cape in game!